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Do I have to niche down in my social media feeds?

Updated: May 4, 2023

This is something I have wanted to talk about for awhile. Just like a lot of other artists and small business owners, I have been struggling to grow my Instagram all while trying to do all the things to build my art business this past year.

Don't get me wrong I appear to be very popular with many surgeons, high-ranking military officials, and scantily clad muscle-bound men on Instagram. They are not exactly my target audience. I know I am not alone in routinely blocking and deleting accounts. To be honest, I haven't been as active on Instagram as I once was. But sometimes you have to ask yourself, is the effort worth the return? In my case, I haven't seen evidence of it yet.

I have also grown tired of hearing the experts continually say to "niche down" in my social media feeds. I don't fit into one neat little category. Who does? I am a wife, stepmom, daughter, sister, and creative entrepreneur. I am also an artist who loves a lot of art mediums.

Why would I leave my corporate job as so many others did during the Great Resignation in 2021 to substitute my cubicle for another restricted space? Why would I limit myself to just one art medium or one subject matter for the sake of a "cohesive" or "curated" social media feed? My life doesn't fit neatly in a box.

If you are anything like me your tastes and interests have changed over time. I have experimented with a variety of different art mediums. I spent a lot of time working in color pencils and have transitioned very recently into drawing digitally. This has seen me venture into the world of surface pattern design. The thought of seeing my drawings appearing on everything from stationary to bedding gets me going.

So If I can leave you with anything it is to share with the world what makes you, you. We all have so many different sides of ourselves, share it freely if you want to. You just never know what will resonate with others. Isn't that what social media is supposed to be about and that is connection?

How about you, are you feeling the same way? Are you still trying to create the perfect social media feed?

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