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pricing Your color pencil Pet Portraits

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

One of the most common dilemmas you may encounter, especially as a beginner, is how much to charge to do a pet portrait.

People often underestimate the time, effort, and expenses that go into creating a color pencil pet portrait. Well-meaning family and friends may approach you with requests for free artwork, leaving you torn between feeling flattered that someone is interested and being compensated for your time and the supplies you have used.

In this blog post, we will explore the art of pricing your colored pencil pet portraits and provide you with five essential factors to consider.

Pricing your work requires research and ensuring your time is compensated fairly

Pricing your color pencil pet portraits

1. Consider the Time it Takes

Creating a colored pencil pet portrait is a labor of love. It requires meticulous layering, blending, and great attention to detail. From the initial sketch to the finishing touches, every stroke plays a vital role in bringing your pet subject to life. You must factor in the hours spent on each artwork when determining its price. This ensures that you are compensated fairly for your time and effort.

Each portrait is a unique project, and the time invested may vary depending on the complexity and size of the piece. So, it's crucial to assess the specific requirements of each commission and charge accordingly.

2. Research the Market

To effectively price your color pencil artwork, it's essential to do some market research. Explore platforms where color pencil art is sold and connect with fellow artists in your niche. Understanding the prevailing rates for similar artwork will provide you with valuable insights.

Networking with other artists can also help you gauge the industry's standard rates and gain a better understanding of the competition. This research will give you the confidence to set your prices at a level that reflects your skills and experience.

3. Size and Complexity

The size and complexity of your artwork play a significant role in determining its price. A larger canvas may require more materials and additional time to complete, so it's only fair to charge more for such pieces. Similarly, more intricate compositions, such as portraits featuring two or more animals, demand extra effort and attention to detail. In these cases, pricing should reflect the increased complexity and the time investment required.

Your clients' specific requests will also affect the pricing structure. Be sure to communicate openly with your clients about the factors influencing the cost of their commissioned pet portrait.

4. Don't be Afraid to Toot Your Own Horn

As an artist, your unique journey and style contribute to the value of your artwork. Don't be shy about mentioning any awards you've received or any recent publicity you've garnered. Testimonials from happy customers will also show prospective customers that your work is highly prized.

Your personal brand and artistic identity are part of what makes your art special. Embrace your uniqueness and showcase it proudly. It's these individual touches that set your pet portraits apart and give them added value.

5. Don't Feel Pressure to Lower Your Art Prices

It's vital to remember that you have control over your

pricing. Don't get wound up about trying to fit your art into a specific price range just to accommodate potential clients. Your art has value, and you deserve to be compensated fa

irly for your hard work and dedication.

If someone doesn't want to pay your prices, they may not be the right fit for your art.

Some clients may readily accept your quotes, while others may request special deals. It is perfectly acceptable to politely stand firm on your pricing while expressing your willingness to work with them in the future when their budget allows.

Final Thoughts

In the world of color pencil pet portrait art, pricing your work is an art in itself. It requires thorough research, a strong sense of self-worth, and an understanding of the unique factors that influence each project's cost. Remember that when you're just starting, you may not be able to price your work at the same level as established artists with years of experience.

Ultimately, your goal should be to ensure that you are compensated for both your supplies and, most importantly, your time. The journey of an artist is filled with learning and growth, and it's essential to recognize the value you bring to each piece. Stay true to your passion, set your prices with confidence, and watch your art flourish.

In conclusion, the question of pricing is not about devaluing your art but about valuing your craft and respecting the time, effort, and creativity you invest in each color pencil pet portrait. You have got this!

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